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John Wayne Gacy: A Victim of the Criminal Justice System

Number of pages: 15

This 10 paper examines the life and activities of John Wayne Gacy and why he committed heinous crimes. With the use of labeling theory, it is suggested that Gacy might have been able to change things if in fact he were not labeled and ostracized by the community. His childhood, to some extent provides information on why he might have chosen this negative path. Etiology is provided and labeling is viewed as a primary cause. Labeling theory is discussed in depth. In order to predict and prevent other crimes, the Gacy case is used as an example. What is learned from this particular case helps in making suggestions for treating offenders with a similar profile. Finally, criminal justice responses are aligned with positive elements as opposed to the punitive model that currently exists. Rehabilitation and positive treatment options are recommended as is an absence of labels. Megan's law is opposed. The paper sums up with general observations about society, and uses the Gacy case as an example. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

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